Functional Gait Assessment
1/4 of all the joints in your body are in your feet. The way your feet move (or don’t move) and how they interact with the ground impacts the function of the rest of your body.
The goal of a Functional Gait Assessment is to restore function, eliminate pain and normalize gait patterning.
Your first session will begin with an in-depth conversation about your current condition and past injuries, followed by an in-depth assessment of your gait. Other dynamic and manual assessments may be performed in order to get to the root cause of your pain or discomfort.
During your second session, I’ll review my observations and recommendations for your treatment plan, which we will go over together, along with your at-home workout designed to optimize your gait patterning and help restore the function in your feet.
Functional Gait Assessment
Initial 90 Minute assessment
60 Minute follow up session
At-home treatment plan